Christian Wahl

SVG gauge with threshold

06 Mar 2022 • Christian Wahl

Based on a question asked on StackOverflow I made this example of a gauge in SVG.


Scrolling Window

12 Oct 2021 • Christian Wahl

This is a basic example of updating a page based on scrolling behaviour.


SVG Metro Map

10 Sep 2021 • Christian Wahl

One of my resent answers on Stackoverflow was about styling a HTML <process> element like a metro map (at least, that was my interpretation…). OK, is is not possible to style a HTML element like that, so I went for a version in SVG.


Get external links in a webpage

06 Aug 2021 • Christian Wahl

I was about to answer a question on Stackoverflow, but then the question got deleted. So here I my answer.


Experimenting with the EventSource API

17 Apr 2021 • Christian Wahl

Last week I had supervision with one of my computer science groups. In collaboration with a local company, they create a video chat application using WebRTC. I find it fascinating that video and audio can be streamed between clients without requiring any other application than the browser itself. The tricky part of the implementation is not the streaming of video but the signaling between client and server. Researching signaling, I stumbled upon the EventSource API.


The contentEditable property

05 Aug 2020 • Christian Wahl

The purpose of this article is to test different HTML elements with the contenteditable attribute, only focusing on the behavior when creating a new line.


My first Docker image on Docker Hub

03 Jul 2020 • Christian Wahl

Based on my previous post about building Apache FOP in a Docker image, I now have my first image on Docker Hub.


Running Apache FOP in Docker

08 Jun 2020 • Christian Wahl

One of my interests is XML and with that interest, a tail of related technologies. Over the years I have spend a lot of time on XSL transforming “stuff”. From time to time I have also used Apache FOP, a tool for generating PDF files from XML using XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO). This tool require Java – like everything else – back then. But now, not so much. So, actually I don’t have Java installed.


SVG as background in Ubuntu Desktop

04 Jun 2020 • Christian Wahl

Ok, this is not something new, but I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my new laptop and in that process I dusted off my background image for the desktop.


My new blog

01 Jun 2020 • Christian Wahl

I had this idea for a blog post, but nowhere to post it. Tired of all the other solutions I decided to redesign my GitHub Pages website and turn it into a blog.